Wednesday, October 22, 2008


As i sat watching the evening news of the report of the retrenchment of the approx 2000 jet employees i wondered how we indians have gotten aquainted and desensitised ourselves to melodrama coz watever is hapenning in the aviation industry these few days in nothing short of a well played drama,with the mush and senti stuff equalling the ekta sagas if not surpassing it.
why some would ask am i being such a cynic and not believe in the 'honest' mistake of the HRs in laying off the employeess or the good heart of the company head who got tears in his eyes watching his children being jobless.Afterall,Jet Airways is a well established company.thats the point.jet airways is a big company and in such a company professionalism must have been up on the priority level.HRs hired for such a company must have been of top notch quality and must be well versed in common HR tactics and also have been conscious of their company's image.Therefore they could not have been as naive as that to have made the biggest layoff in the history of the country without consulting the company heads,even if the layoff was legal and constitutional.Thus the calim made by Goyal saying he was not aware of this layout throws light on how seriously ignorant was he.Then what exactly is he doing on his chair????? Is he that unprofessional????
OK lets overlook this one blunder of the company.Lets talk of the sudden firing of so many employees.If it was really that necessary then how come once such a hupla was made and politicians got involved,aam janta got aware;the company could afford to call back these employees?That just goes on to prove how no one considered alternative measures seriouslybefore laying them off....S o much for Goyal seeing his employees as his own children(his own daughter by the way is not in the aviation industry,she has her eyes set for the choice!!);the company doesnt even give proper value to the jobs irrespective of whether goyal is managing the helm of affairs of by his well picked hand chosen people.
The way these employees were laid off was also an episode that cant be exactly defined as dignified.These employees were waiting for their pick-up cars,when the time had passed ,they called their company which informed them of their termination.Hardly behaviour that can be expected from a company of this stature.Hardly dignified.moreover if such a layoff was indeed necessary(it has been proven that it wasnt but still considering the hypothetical situation), laying off so many employeesa at a go with no prior notice or even clue ,creating such a big melodramatic effect was just what an episode of the K-serials...with just the background music and drumbeats missing. Such a drama could have been easily avoided by a common HR tactic which is used in the IT industry in India.Instead of laying off so many employees at a go,these employees could have been laid off with breaks.Companies like IBM and TCS,a number of employees are sacked evrey month with the effect of no one coming to know,no hupla made by the media and no tarnishing of the company's image.Infact that is exactly how these companies can afford to go for campus placements evry years in so many institutes and hire so many people every year.Not because the companies are growing constantly but because they are firing so frequently.if jet really needed to fire these employees they could have easily adopted this measure without tarnishing the company's image.Just goes on to prove further how the whiole episode was stage managed to bring it to the forefront of the media.
So why does the big bosses of the aviaton industry want to bring their woes in front of the media....just to evoke sympathy?surely not ....they are businessmen dealing in one of the most risky industry,they must have bigger brains that our tulsis and parvatis(note to all the tulsi not calling these iconic ladies dumb....just saying that they have hearts bigger than their brains).Then what drove them to perform such an act.....the three letter word that has the whole world on its toes and nerly drove george bush to madness...OIL!The indian Govt famous for subsidies has supposedly put a lot of subsidies on the price of jet fuel,which means that the indian oil corp is almost making no profit when dealing with the aviation industry.Now with the increase of prices of oil world wide the indian oil corp could not but help increase their prices.which meant the airlines company had to pay more that they had anticipated.Now several companies were already defaulting on their payments when and were getting oil on credit.With the increase of oil price these airlines definetly go on a now they want a bailout from the Govt,something that they have their eyes set on for quite sometime now.With this hupla now the they hope that the Govt might consider their appeal more seriously.
Now as a citizen of this country ,supposed to have an opinion on evrything and all Govt decisions regardless of whether i know anything or not and whether these facts are true or not i must form a judgement on whether such a bailout is fair or not.I personally think it isnt fair.The bail out appeal made to govt is based on the fact that our country is partly socialist and taking advantage of that,these big bosses are appealing to the govt.But wernt they the ones who pioneered Capitalism and a free market when the economy was boomin.if they were making profits they wanted to privatise these profits ,then why do they want to socialise their losses?????This is plain opportunism.

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